Aug 10, 2008



last class we met with the Museum of Wellington curator.
This was a valuable session meeting with V one-on -one to discuss the refined direction's of our project.

The most discussed was my visual interface- the hierarchy of some graphics were too strong (e.g. the cloud), some graphics not prominent enough (i.e. the film should occupy the entire sky space) and smaller inaccuracies such as time-relevant typography.

Edits are underway.

It was discussed earlier that perhaps the 'headphones' should have audio, even if faint, to satisfy the user's expectations however, upon mulling this over, it is exactly that 'expectation' that I wish to surprise....or dissatisfy (firstly) but most importantly, they are silencers or ear muffs, not headphones. So, where I wasn't going to retain the neon orange shells of the safety muffs, I now will, to associate a well-known imagery of 'noise protection' to the conceptual ideas in the project.

A minor detail I enjoy about the orange shell is that they have "NZ Safety" branded onto each ear...reminiscent of the efforts of the national Poll Tax in the 20s- a matter a 'national security'.

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