Sep 17, 2008

precedent imagery

I've been collecting images and videos of work that have similar imagery I wish to achieve in my project.

Here's a sample
VJ Anyone.
(in particular 0:14-1:17)
This mix uses a nice trace and layering effect of the footage in a vignetted frame, suggesting a dreamlike displacement.

VJ Bolverk.
I really enjoy this presentation's ability to take the viewer on a journey with very limited disclosure of context or reality. There is just enough detail offered in places to evoke an industrial setting and enough frame movement and overlaying of imagery to evoke a sense of discovery in the viewer without discovering much at all.

VJ Sayuu.
I'm not a fan of the use of text in the mix, it seems there could have been a more critical approach to its purpose but I love the way animated graphics have been used to frame and 'house' underlayed media.

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