Sep 10, 2008


Feedback from tuesday's session was helpful- the main consideration to be addressed was the audience intervention- as the project is being presented in a cinema style venue, not gallery, the space and expectation for the sort of interaction I was hoping for is not feasible so discussions suggested moving the project toward a performance.
this is the direction I will head and am getting a few friends on board to partake. The "sleeper" will also be an actor to add another dimension of movement: the IR rangefinders will be embedded in the sleeper's clothes so as the sleeper moves, so do the IR rfs so that they are not always in the same place.

Film footage:
I have decided the footage will be of an artistically shot bike ride, overlaying sketches and doodles of imaginative 'dream irrationality' when the max patches are activated- illustrative examples of this to be uploaded soon.

I'm as green as it gets to this programme, at the moment I'm still playing around with tutorials laced with a bit of trial and error investigation.

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