Sep 28, 2008

work experiments

the audio track I'm using is written by a Norwegian songwriter, Kate Havnevik. The song I'm using, Sleepless is not on her homepage but it's a good reference point for her musical style.

I've been working in quartz on animating some household objects to animate the screen, and looking into Chromakey patching in max/msp to enable certain colours as transparent, creating a better video montage in the performance.

Some quick and rough examples of quartz work-
having trouble with the browser and uploading videos- will come back to do this.

things to consider with the animations- I need to find a way to make them less two-dimensional (this may be in the drawing style?) and I want to experiment with colour (animating the colour- perhaps similar style to Waking Life?

This week's experiment has been setting up something similar to a 4 channel mixer for my media samples, each connecting to an IR rangefinder- at the moment they change the opacity of each media sample. Will play around with them also changing the framerate of the media and saturation.

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