Sep 6, 2008

Project Two: expressing irrationality

The concept for project two stems from the notion of dreaming [sleep, not aspiration].
Dreaming has a particular fascination- it is universally common yet its purposes and meanings are- while largely conjectured and speculated over- unknown. What I wish to express in this experiment is how everyday rational actions become irrationalities, transforming the banal into a world of rousing possibility.

First thoughts on realising this idea is that the audience is the controller of rationality.
(While this may abstract, for the sake initial scheming...) I imagine there being a sleeper lying on the floor that senses (via infrared sensors planted on the body) the proximity of an audience member: the closer the observer is, the closer they move away from the rational world and into the sleeper's world of the illogical by way of their altering the visual projections on a screen above the sleeper. However- getting too close to the sleeper may cause them to wake, terminating the connection to the dream.

It's important, to me, to be able to control the visual experience without touching or physically manipulating an object to illustrate the sometimes weak threshold between reality and dream and that dreaming itself is generated by non physical stimulations of memory and thought.

audio will also be a large consideration in the project- certainly as an output, perhaps it could be an input controller also...

inspirations for visual interfacing styles:

Imogen Heap [particularly from 1:47]

(Clip from:) Waking Life

Ralph I Steeds (sketching)

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